Tennis Anti-Corruption Program (TACP)
TACP is the sport’s anti-corruption code - a set of rules that everyone in tennis must follow.
The rules are there to protect everyone in sport and outline how you must report any corrupt approach and list all offenses in the program including match fixing, courtsiding and other corrupt activities.
Who does TACP apply to?
In short, the Tennis Anti-Corruption Program applies to everyone in tennis world-wide.
From players and their entourage to coaches and officials, ITIA aims educate and prevent corruption from taking place. We have created guides to explain how TACP applies to you, as-well-as an e-learning program (TIPP) to familiarise yourself with the rules.
Further Reading & Information
Key Knowledge for International Tennis Professionals
Investigation Process
Professional players, Officials and Agents are bound by the TACP, which gives the ITIA the right to interview and investigate.
Sanction Lists
Search our list of currently sanctioned players, coaches and officials.
TACP Explained
Our one page documents provide a summary of the rules and how they apply to different roles within tennis.
If you have been approached - either in person or via social media - or if you have seen or heard something that doesn’t seem right, report it to the ITIA.