The Tennis Integrity Unit and Marco Trungelliti

In spring 2018, Argentinian tennis player Marco Trungelliti acted as a witness in the prosecution of three Argentinian tennis players, who were subsequently sanctioned for various breaches of the Tennis Anti-Corruption Program (TACP).

As part of its confidentiality policy, the Tennis Integrity Unit’s (TIU) intention is at all times to protect the identity of witnesses, and in line with that has not commented on or confirmed Mr Trungelliti’s involvement in these cases.

However, the TIU understand that Mr Trungelliti has subsequently been subject to strong personal criticism and that his motives for co-operating with the TIU have been questioned.

The TIU unreservedly condemns the treatment received by Mr Trungelliti and would like to place on record its appreciation of his support and full compliance with the TACP. The TIU also wishes to confirm the facts surrounding his involvement:

  • Mr Trungelliti voluntarily reported a corrupt approach he received from a third party to the TIU, in line with the agreement contained in the TACP, which is signed by all professional tennis players
  • at no point has Mr Trungelliti ever been the subject of any investigation, charge or sanction by the TIU
  • he received no payment for the information he provided and has never requested or been offered any kind of plea bargain or other agreement with the TIU

At all times, Mr Trungelliti has acted with the highest level of integrity and with the best interests of the sport in mind. His courageous and principled stand against those who seek to corrupt is to be admired and commended.

Published 01 May 2019 15:00