Most tennis players will be familiar with the Berlinger testing kits, currently used for the Tennis Anti-Doping Programme.

Due to Berlinger supply issues, there will be two types of testing kit used from 2022. For urine, Berlinger kits will continue to be used. For blood, testers will be using LockCon branded kits.

More information about LockCon and their kit can be found via their website.

Players are encouraged to speak to the DCO at the time of testing and to contact the ITIA with any concerns, but the testing programme will continue and players are asked to co-operate fully with any requests from a DCO.

A variety of testing kits are already used by National Anti-Doping Organisations around the world and players are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the different kits that are used:

  • Berlinger: Visit the website and find out more about the most commonly used sample collection kit
  • Innovero: Watch the product video for useful information on the urine and blood kit
  • LockCon: Visit the website for a video and short handling guidelines for their urine sample collection product
  • Versapak: Visit the website for more information on the blood and urine kit and watch the video



Published 01 January 2022 11:30