Raise a concern, report an issue or simply get in touch

If you think something is not right, or you have information about doping or match-fixing in tennis, we want to hear from you.

Please click on the links below to get in touch with us:

Report Doping

Contact us confidentially if you have information regarding doping in tennis.

Click here

Report Corruption

Contact us confidentially if you have information regarding match fixing in tennis.

Click here

What happens when you get in touch

Your message will be assessed by one of our team, and they may be in touch to ask you for further information. 

Investigations can take time, so you may not hear more from us while they take place. 

If you provide information anonymously, we will not be able to provide any further updates.

Please note that all information is treated confidentially by our team.

Other enquiries

Reason for contacting us:

Media enquiry
Education enquiry
Product information
Careers enquiry
eg. John Smith
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eg. John Smith
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eg. John Smith
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